Wednesday, November 6, 2013
One Week Closer to Christmas
I'm really excited from Christmas! I really am looking forward to getting new classes come January. I really just want a break from all the school work I am having to keep up with. I have done most of my Christmas shopping but of course I still want to go black Friday shopping! I mean who doesn't, I love going to look at all the crazy people thinking that they are getting such a great deal when in reality its not really a deal. The better deals are always or at least normally the weekend before black Friday. I also love having little brother and sisters and to see their faces light up with it is Christmas morning. No one can deny the excitement that happens on Christmas. I just can not wait!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Another Weekly Post
So I'm blogging once again. I'm highly mad that we didn't have class on Monday. I really wouldn't have cared if we didn't have class cause of course I had a lot of things to do. But I wish he had told us before I wasted my time and walked all the way to class to find out I didn't have to be here. Atleast I have a class after this one so I got some work done that I needed to. Anyways, this blog thing is really getting old. I can't wait to be done with it. I feel like I talk and talk and talk but about nothing really. I don't really know what I want to say. But we are getting ready for our next grammar group. Have a great rest of the week.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Well this past weekend I got a little lab puppy. I named him Bryce. He is about 5 weeks old, so he is still a little young. He is the sweetest and cutest pup ever. He is a bit of a handful at time. He really requires a lot of attention. I'm so glad my mom finally gave in and said she didn't mind if we got another pup. I can't wait to see how big he is going to get. But anyways, I hope yall liked your Monday off of English as much as I did. Have a good rest of the week!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
This Wednesday
Well, I guess I am in need of writing another blog post. Since we aren't really doing much in English today, might as well do the blog post for the week. Yay! Well this week I have to do my group does our grammar presentation. I'm pretty excited, but more then anything I'm ready for it do be over. Once it is over, I will feel one step closer to getting this English class over with. I can't wait for winter break. I just want to get away from school. It is just way to stressful for me. School, work, and doing classes at my work is overwhelming. The final outcome is what strives me to keep working toward my goals. I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Alzheimers Walk
Hopefully I will be able to post pictures later, it isn't working right now. But anyways, this pasted weekend I attended the event called a Walk to End Alzheimers. It was an extremely moving event. I didn't realize there was so many individuals that are faced with it. Two thirds of the individuals that are diagnosed with Alzheimers are women. That means that not as many males get the disease. It also is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. So Alzheimers is pretty high up on the list for a death factor. During the event we walked a trail near the Motaoca bridge. We carried flowers in 4 different colors. Purple for in memory, yellow for care giver, orange for supportors, and blue for is you had Alzheimers. I believe everyone had an awesome time, I know I did. I feel I helped raise awareness about the Alzheimers disease.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Tonight I went to visit the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. It was very interesting and different. I wasn't expecting to see so many different types of art work. I had never been to an art museum like that. I was fascinated with all the different pieces of art work that there was to look at. There was many people there looking at the different thing. These are two of my most favorite pieces from the museum.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Another Wednesday Blog
I'm back on this lovely Wednesday night. Well, let me just say I hate writing. I feel like it is the biggest joke ever. I can't come up with enough information to make the required length. I'm annoyed at how stressed these papers are making me. I have other class work I have to do too besides writing a paper for English.. excuse me 3 papers for English. I think all I ever do on here is complain. But it is what it is. By the time I start to writing this blog I'm over it all.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Hump Day
Well, Well, Well, it is that time of the week again. HUMP DAY! :) Well today we had our first grammar group. I was actually kind of nervous for the first group not having anything to go by. I think that they did an awesome job. They were interactive with the class and helped classmates understand when they just didn't understand the reason WHY. I can't wait for my grammar group to go. I don't know how I feel about being recorded. I think it will probably make me a little nervous. Hopefully our grammar group will do as good as the first one did. & NO CLASS FRIDAY! Thank you Jesus. It will give me a chance to go to the library to do some research on the paper that the rough draft is due Monday. Yes, I have procrastinated this paper for over a week now and now I am running out of time to do my paper. I wish I wasn't a procrastinator. Well hope your hump day was awesome.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
A Day in English
Well , today in English we did this thing that I believe was suppose to help us with our writing. It didn't help me. I honestly thought that is was a waste of time. I was just sitting there and I didn't know what to write and it kept going on and on and on. I don't think that this writing method would be good for me when writing a paper for English. Another thing, these grammar things are coming up and I honestly don't want to do them. I mean some of this stuff should be common sense. Hopefully my group can find a way to make teaching these things not so boring. Well I'm done with my thoughts for now.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Just A Little About Me
So this is my first blog ever. I'm not sure how this is suppose to go but I'm willing to give it a try i suppose. To start off I'll tell you a little bit about me. My name is Hannah and I graduated from Dinwiddie High School. I have 2 younger siblings their names are Riley and Allison. One thing that i am truly interested in is dance. I have dances at two different dance studios them being, Ann Witt School of Dance for ten years and Starlight Studios for six years. I have danced from the time i was two until I graduated at 18. Now that I'm no longer in dance, I have devoted more of my time to my job. I am currently a bank teller at Bank of McKenney. I have been working at the bank since April 2012. Before working at the bank I was a hostess at Texas Roadhouse. Now that I'm out of high school and on to the next chapter in my life I am excited to start it off with going to college. The reason I picked to attend Richard Bland College is because I am undecided on what I want to major in. I figured that continuing my education at Richard Bland would be a good start while I carry on with my undecided major.
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