Wednesday, November 6, 2013

One Week Closer to Christmas

I'm really excited from Christmas! I really am looking forward to getting new classes come January. I really just want a break from all the school work I am having to keep up with. I have done most of my Christmas shopping but of course I still want to go black Friday shopping! I mean who doesn't, I love going to look at all the crazy people thinking that they are getting such a great deal when in reality its not really a deal. The better deals are always or at least normally the weekend before black Friday. I also love having little brother and sisters and to see their faces light up with it is Christmas morning. No one can deny the excitement that happens on Christmas. I just can not wait!


  1. It is hard to believe that the holidays are just around the corner with Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have already seen some holiday commercials. This semester went by so fast I agree I can't wait for new classes!

  2. I'm just as excited as you are! I can't wait for Christmas as well as starting a new semester!

  3. I feel you on that. I cant wait to end this semster and start a new one. just brings us close to getting out of here

  4. I'm with ya, Hannah! I love Christmas time and also the fact that we get a break from school.
